Keep Moving!

I have a confession to make.  For the last few weeks, I have been secretly working out.  And it feels pretty good.  Actually, since my diagnosis of fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome around five years ago, I have hated exercise and would prefer to curl up with a good book or the computer.

But this year is different.  A half century birthday and the realization that life is short.  The idea that exercise is linked with health.  A daughter's wedding in a month.  The perfect storm of motivational, ah, stuff.  To top it off, the marrying daughter (daughter #2) just lost about a hundred pounds and looks terrific.  Daughter #1 with three kids just moved in for 9 weeks and happens to be working toward a black belt, just received a 4.0 in her Bachelor's program in Nutrition Science, and is interested in becoming a Fitness Instructor.  What a great time to start, with all of this motivation and encouragement and assistance in the house! I go.  Started with some weight lifting assistance from daughter #1 and her husband, and some fitness walks.  Continued with a free week-long membership at a local health club, but it was a little expensive for the year (sadly) so the next step was to look for a goal.  Daughter #1 recommended a program called the "Couch to 5K" which takes couch potatoes (like me) and trains them (us) in 9 weeks to run a 5K race...I love the idea!  I used to run when I was in my 30's and it was pretty nice.  Don't know if I can still do it, but I am willing to try.  Honestly, I don't even care about speed, just getting moving and losing some more weight would be pretty nice.  To sweeten the deal, a local race will be held on July 21, so maybe I will join!  The race raises funds for a worthy cause, and is run in memory of a friend's grandson who died suddenly just a few years ago, so it is very meaningful.  It really is the only race I am interested in running...I am not much of a competitor by nature!

How do you keep moving?  What is your motivation?  It would be great to hear some inspirational stories and support others out there who are doing the same thing!


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